Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Been Awhile My Friends... But I'm Back!

OK it's been awhile since I've had a chance to post anything here on our blog, but that will be changing!

The major change that happened this year of course was relocating from Silver Spring to the Left Coast and Salinas, California! And while some of the office is now up and running, we're still setting some things up so it still will be a little while before everything is back running smoothly, so please hang in there with me as the adjustments continue.

Just so you know the plan is still to have our Special Edition DVD of, "3 days... 3 hours... 3 minutes... 3 seconds... " ready for release this summer. There are still some things we're working on to make this one of the best releases ever from TSP. I have to tell you, knowing what's on it right now... you're going to WANT this film for your library. In addition to the film itself on DVD there are so many extras that will make this film an instant classic and one you'll watch over and over again! That's all I'll say for now... but look for more news coming.

Although I haven't written in awhile there are a couple of projects ready to go and once things settle down, I'll let you all know more about what our next piece will be.

In the mean time, it's back to getting things settled here on the Left Coast and thanks for checking us out! We'll see you in the movies!