Monday, December 20, 2010

Wrapping up the year!

Well I hope I'll get a chance to post at least one more time before the official end of the year, but judging by my recent or not so recent posts that may not happen, so on this rare day off from the paying gig I decided to get one more entry in. (By the way today's picture... my new Panivision App... it's kind of cool and free!)

The good news is that despite how long it has taken for me to get to the end, the end is near for the DVD for "3 days..." It just has taken a lot longer than I had hoped, but all of the stuff in it should be worth a lot of the wait. I hope folks like it when it comes out next year.

It's been a big year for us here at TSP. I mean starting with the move across country being the biggest change for the year. Personally I spent a lot of time writing this past year and no doubt will again next, but I am closer and closer to starting something... a new project and I just have to make sure it's the right one and all my ducks are in a row. I don't want to start something and then not deliver.

Anyway, I need to get some more work done here as I wrap up 2010. Thanks for spending at least part of the year with us and I hope 2011 is even more productive... I know I'll be pushing for it to be!

Peace, love and happy holidays!

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