Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shaking Off Some Funk & Working Hard!

As you can tell, out at the mobile office again and that's probably a good thing. Nice to write and work from other locations from time to time. Let's get you up to date on some stuff.

My copy of the "Hollywood Creative Directory" arrived and I've already started to put it to good use. I have a screenplay that is ready to go and I'm trying to take it through the "traditional" Hollywood channels, so the new book is helpful to at least get my initial query letters to the right people. I'm trying both the agent route and production companies. I have to get one or two people to actually read the sucker and then I think I have a good shot! I've had a couple of people I respect read the script, some in the biz some out and they all say the second they start to read it, that it's a "page turner," they didn't want to put it down until it was over! So that's good news!

Sticking with the script I also entered it into my first screenplay contest, so we'll see how it does there as well. But at the same time, I'm not just throwing my eggs in one basket. I continue to work on a couple of other screenplays and this month I'm going to begin the 10th Anniversary DVD of our smash film, "3 Days... 3 Hours... 3 Minutes... 3 Seconds..." Look for that, just in time for Christmas!

So there is a lot going on. I'm pushing forward on a lot of different things and I stand by my belief that if you throw enough darts at the wall, one of them is bound to stick!

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