Monday, November 26, 2012

Putting Some Time In...

It's been far too long since a posting, but I have been to the movie theater... the actual, pay money, sit in a dark room with others, eat popcorn with fake butter movie theater and I'm always so glad I did.  It reminds me of what I need to do more of and reminds me why I always wanted to be a filmmaker.

The first film I saw was, Spielberg's "Lincoln." Daniel Day Lewis is outstanding in it. Academy voters will love it. It's a good film... a really, really good film, but not great or earth shattering.
The second film, "Skyfall." Hey it's a James Bond film, don't expect it to be anything more. It's a good Bond film that will hold up and make those who love the franchise happy and no doubt bring in some newbies.
As for me the bottom line is with the end of the year nearing, I may get a chance to do some minor stuff with TSP here and there, but I really have to start working on a plan of attack for next year.  I can't have another down year happen, so I'm going to try to finish off strong and gear up for what I hope will be an outstanding 2013!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Who Needs GTL, I'm Doing a Little G-MO-W!

Setting up for some work at one of my "Mobile Office's"... have Pandora on... JT is setting the tone with, "What Comes Around"  The sun has finally come out, gone are the overcast clouds that painted the sky early this morning a very unsexy, "30 Shades of Gray."
Have some emails and a snail mail letter to knock out of the way.  Going to see how much I can get done, in between working the day job remotely.
It's hard to push through with the film side of life, but I have to.  I've got some really good things planned for Triple Sticks Productions, I just have to buckle down and push past the hours at work, sleep and bad reality TV and slice out more time for TSP.

To you who follow this blog, the company and more... thanks for the understanding, I intend to pick it up!

Oh and if you follow my goofy blog, "Ketch-Fraze" there will be a posting there in a bit about Netflix.  I'm heading back to the traditional version because you CAN rent,"Do g Me: Potluck" there and I want to continue to support that film and encourage you to as well... it's still pretty damn good!
Anyway, off to start my stuff... keep and eye out and follow me on Twitter: @mdavidleeiii

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Not Giving Up...It's Not An Option!

OK so while I may not get a chance to work my film stuff a lot these days, I do from time to time get that urge, vibe or reason to and today that means taking a look at what projects I have written and what stage they're in.
Now I'm doing this for a couple of reasons: One, a very dear friend I grew up with gave me a lead on someone in LA looking for new projects, so I want to see what I have in the works and what might work for them and reach out and make contact just to see if there is any interest.

The second reason, is simply to see where I am with various projects I have in the mix so I can get a better sense of what might be next for TSP.  Obviously there's the finishing of the "3 days..." DVD, but after that... what will be next... what am I passionate enough about to invest so much of my time, energy and love into.  I know I have 5 or 6 things at least... maybe more.  I just want to take a look at them and maybe put a priority on some of them.

That's the plan... let's see if it's a good one! :)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Funk You! Shaking Out of It...

In between events at my daughter's swim meet, I thought I'd hop over to a nearby new mobile office to see if I could knock out a post and get a little work done.  Then I realized, I haven't been doing much so the key word in my last phrase was, "little." It's been hard finding the time to really be creative and push myself.

I normally believe in writing and creating when it feels right, otherwise what you create is just stuff that in the end you have to sift through and try to determine what's good and what's not. I'm starting to feel like maybe I need to reevaluate that position and maybe force myself to HAVE to sit down and hammer out something just to kick start me a little.

I mean the big thing that's still looming out the is the completion of the digital master of "3 days... 3 hours... 3 minutes... 3 seconds..."  I have a rough cut and lay out of the DVD and extras and it's all really cool, but I'm still living out of boxes in my apartment and haven't even set up my editing computer.

Maybe right now I'm NOT supposed to be creating and there is a master plan for it.  But I hope when that next major creative push kicks in I'll be ready... and secretly or maybe not so secretly... I hope it happens soon!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Oh Baby I've Missed You!

I've snuck out to my mobile office and going to try to knock out some work that I want to get done. Work for Triple Sticks Productions... Work on the future... work that just in general feeds a little of the soul.
Not sure what else to write now, because I feel like I'm behind on a lot of things, but maybe I can use this time to start getting ahead. I mean I guess I could write in my apartment more, but there is something about getting out... being at a mobile office that I really dig. The vibe of the people around... I mean even though I have my headset on and I'm in my own zone, I still like having the energy of people around... I think it is what pushes me to one day have a place where creative people can be around each other... write... work and just talk. Alas... one day.
But I'm wondering... where do YOU like to write... work... get your muse on? Let me know I'd love to hear how others create. I think it's one of the reasons I love the DVD extras that have "How they made the film" on them.
OK... well look forward to seeing what you all have to say, in the mean time... knocking out some work... Ciao Baby!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Each Day You Wake Up There is an Opportunity!

OK, it has been far too long before I've written anything here. That being said I'm going to try to get back on track and for me that means making some TSP or Me time! So stay with me over the next couple of months as I try to get settled in a new place.

Yep, Triple Sticks Productions has moved and is now based in Santa Maria California, a place I have some previous history with, so it will be interesting to see how everything shakes out this time around. Right now I'm working out of a new "Mobile Office," we'll see how the coffee is. The internet is free, it's local and there is a fun little vibe here so we'll see how it all shakes out.

As for what's ahead... well by now you all know I have my "3 days..." DVD that I have to finish. That's one of my top goals after I finally get my apartment and office set up up. Hopefully I'll be here for a little while and I'll be able to knock out some work.

With the Oscars coming up on Sunday, I'm not as much tied into this year as I was last, so I will again strive to see more films in the theaters... a noble task I set for myself each year.

I still love film and still want to push myself even harder to reach that point where it is my film time life. We'll see if that ends up happening, but right now I need to get back into some systems to remind me what I love about film and that means pulling up something from the past to watch either tonight or tomorrow that just hits home... hits that spot if you know what I mean. :)

OK time to knock out some more work... hang with us folks... I have a good feeling!