Friday, April 10, 2009

A New Idea

So I was going through some of my notes and scripts and stumbled on a small little note for a screenplay that I started fooling around with the other day and before I knew what had happened, I had a story, structure and 25 pages of the screenplay.

As with other ideas, I don't want to give away too much just yet, but it's a comedy and something I think could be really interesting. I can tell it's something that I enjoy right now, because I've been spending some extra time at my "Mobile Offices," hacking away at it... that's always a good sign.

Banging out the first draft of a screenplay is always the toughest one for me. It's a process I love and hate all at the same time. But if you ever see my in my "Office," minus Pam... and I have headphones on and I'm jamming to some music, smiling and laughing, sometimes out loud, then you know I'm on a roll writing! Speaking of which, time to start pounding the keyboard! (Please keep your Freudian comments to yourselves)

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