Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Breakfast of Champions?

Big morning, joining the Twitter Nation... it'll be interesting to see how this all works, but so far so good. If you want to follow me there, just click the link next to the blog for Twitter and you can link with me there or go to: www.twitter.com/MDavidLeeIII and you can use that link to follow me.

I hope this week will be kind of busy, I need to really push myself on a couple of things... working on the logo for TSP and of course the 10th Anniversary DVD for "3 days... 3 hours... 3 minutes... 3 seconds..." I have a lot done, but still have a lot more to knock out. Hopefully I'm going to be getting a couple of interviews from some folks on the Left Coast and then there is someone out here I should be able to hook up with soon and lock down their interview. I will say, I like where things are going with the overall DVD though.

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