Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Love Them And Hate Them All At Once!

My computer froze up about a week ago and after two or three days trying to deal with overseas help experts from everything from the wireless network to the computer to the cable company(Not located overseas, but just as frustrating) it was determined that I had to do a master restore. What does that mean? Well I had to wipe everything off of my computer and reload everything!

Yep, even though this is a new computer, only about a month old I had to reload everything. I do back up, but still I lost some things in the transfer and I've been trying to get everything back to normal for the last week or so.

I am out and about at one of my "mobile offices" today and have spent time doing boring work stuff for the past hour or so, now I'm going to finally get some time to hack away at some script stuff... wish me luck!

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